AssetWise Director Help

To Configure a Person's User Account

  1. Open the person you want in the Content pane.
  2. Expand the User Account Information topic.

    A person needs a user account in order to log in to the community. A person can have an AssetWise account, a Windows account, a Bentley account (Bentley Profile), or any combination of them. You must enable an account before a user can log in with that account.

  3. To add an AssetWise account, do the following in the eB Account section:
    1. In the User Name field, enter a logical user name.
    2. In the Password field, enter a password for the user.
    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the user's password again.

      The Status is set to Enabled by default.

    4. (Optional) Click in the Days between forced password change field, and enter the number of days the current password remains active before it expires and the user needs to change it again.

      If the user's password expires before they are able to change it, they will not be able to log in.

    5. (Optional) Click in the Grace Logins field, and enter the number of times you want to allow the user to log in after their password expires, if their password expires before they are able to change it.
  4. To add a Windows account, do the following in the Windows Authentication Accounts section:
    1. In the User Name field, enter the user's Windows domain credentials in the form: DOMAIN\USERNAME
    2. Change the status from Disabled to Enabled.

      To disable the Windows account from being used, change the status from Enabled to Disabled.

    3. If needed, you can add more Windows accounts to the same person. Just add domain credentials in the next row.
  5. To add a Bentley Profile, do the following in the Bentley Authentication Accounts section:
    1. In the User Name field, enter the email address of the user's Bentley Profile.
    2. Change the status from Disabled to Enabled.

      To disable the Bentley Profile from being used, change the status from Enabled to Disabled.

  6. (Optional) Turn on these check boxes as needed if you want the user to receive email notifications about the specified action:
    • Receive Approval Emails
    • Receive Work Exchange Emails
    • Receive Work Task Skill Emails
    Note: The person needs a valid email address in the system to receive these emails. You can enter this email address in the person's Directory Entries topic.
  7. Click the Save link when finished.
Tip: A user must have the View permission turned on in the Security topic of their own person object; if the permission is turned off, they will not be able to log in to AssetWise.